About Australian College of Applied Animal Studies

Australian College of Applied Animal Studies (ACAAS) is a small registered training organisation situated on the eastern outskirts of Melbourne.

The College provides students with a high degree of industry based training aimed to give graduates the skills required to successfully enter into the veterinary nursing profession.

Veterinary nursing is a growing profession. The introduction of increasingly sophisticated courses for veterinary nurses, and the efforts of the Veterinary nursing industry (VNCA) to recognise only veterinary nurses with the required qualifications has raised the level of education, leading to greater responsibilities in the workplace.

To develop the skills to work as a responsible and knowledgeable member of a veterinary team, Australian College of Applied Animal Studies has developed a highly personalised study and mentor program to assist students to gain employment in this competitive industry.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 22380
Legal name G & K Stapelton Pty Ltd ATF G & K Stapelton Family Trust

All Australian College of Applied Animal Studies Courses