About Alpha Training and Recognition

At Alpha Training and Recognition (RTO Code: 45282), we specialise in offering accredited building and construction courses in Australia. Upon completion of a course, you will be awarded a recognised building and construction diploma or certification recognised throughout the country. We have some of the leading trainers in Australia; our team will be able to accurately assess your skills and give you all the assistance that you require to obtain the qualification.

All of our courses through RPL are fully accredited. An RPL certification will help you to have your skills recognised in the industry to progress your career. We also offer advice regarding Builder’s Registration to simplify the process for those working in the construction industry. Alpha Training and Recognition aim to help you achieve your goals and fulfill your potential.

In addition to being nationally recognised training and builder’s recognition consultants for nationwide applicants, we provide a clear assessment of whether you are eligible to start your qualification through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment program. If you are not eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), we offer complete face-to-face, accredited training courses that will help you to obtain your qualifications and achieve your goals.

We believe that the best way to learn is by watching and speaking to those who have worked in the industry for years and therefore have the experience and know-how. Alpha Training & Recognition is owned and run by industry experts with vast experience in the industry. We fully appreciate the role that training plays in personal and professional progression, so our courses are tailored to help you achieve your goals.

At Alpha Training & Recognition (RTO Code: 45282), the building and construction courses are designed to go above and beyond. We are incredibly proud that we help trade professionals to gain skill recognition and training that is recognised across Australia.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 45282
Legal name Alpha Training & Recognition Pty Ltd

All Alpha Training and Recognition Courses