About AlertForce

AlertForce started out doing health and safety training courses for the transport industry in 2008. At that stage we weren’t an RTO and partnered with one. We quickly managed to secure 20% of the market around Fatigue Management and that was the humble beginnings of helping out industry with training. Over the next few years it developed as compliance training issues popped up – it was pretty tough in those early years to be honest trying to find out which industries needed help – we built lots of courses online without knowing if anyone needed them. We managed to work it out though – there was IMDG Code training, Food Safety Supervisor training in NSW, Asbestos Awareness (we were the first to produce it online). Then came Comcare HSR training.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 91826
Legal name AlertForce Pty Ltd

All AlertForce Courses