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Community Development Manager Courses

A community development manager takes a leadership role in efforts to improve the facilities and public service options of a specific area. The goal of these initiatives is to develop solutions for many of the issues facing communities today. Projects often include working on improvements to shared public spaces and public housing, generating employment opportunities for those in need and tackling other general welfare issues.

Community development managers will help lead these projects by organising fellow community development workers. These teams first analyse communities to see what improvements can and should be made. Then they work with local government, public health agencies, prominent community members and local businesses to develop plans and initiate projects. Community development managers can work in a range of environments, including as parts of local government institutions and not-for-profit organisations.

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Popular Community Development Manager Courses

There are 7 courses available for people who want to become a Community Development Manager. These are the top 5 most popular courses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Community Development Managers earn?

In Australia, a full time community development manager generally earns $1,920 per week ($99,840 annual salary) before tax. This is a median figure for full-time employees and should be considered a guide only. As you gain more experience you can expect a potentially higher salary than people who are new to the industry.

What are the job opportunities for Community Development Managers?

Community development manager jobs can fall under the general umbrella of welfare, recreation and community arts workers. As of May 2019, there were approximately 36,000 such jobs in Australia. That number is expected to grow to more than 46,500 by May 2024.

Source: The Labour Market Information Portal - 2019 Occupational Projections

How long does it take to become a Community Development Manager?

To land a community development manager job, you'll often need a more advanced qualification in community services. An Advanced Diploma in Community Sector Management is one option. It can take upwards of 12 months to complete depending on if you choose to study online, on campus or blend study modes. Whether you study full or part time will also be a factor. Other nationally accredited qualifications in social work and community work might be attractive to prospective employers as well. As with any career, exact roles and locations can have different requirements.

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within community management and social work. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.