
Laboratory Assistant courses in Brisbane

Browse courses recommended for aspiring laboratory assistant in Brisbane QLD.

Courses for beginners

There is 1 course available in Brisbane Queensland for beginner learners with no prior experience or qualifications.

*Showing course fees for all providers. Some providers may not be available in your area.

Courses for experienced learners

There is 1 course available in Brisbane Queensland for experienced learners with prior experience or qualifications.

*Showing course fees for all providers. Some providers may not be available in your area.

Key questions

Related occupations

Explore related occupations in the laboratory assistant sector.

Further reading

A Beginner's Guide to Laboratory Technician Training in Australia

7th February 2025)

How to start a career as a Dental Assistant

7th December 2021)

What can you do with a Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance?

8th January 2020)