
Infrastructure Architect

An Infrastructure Architect oversees the information technology programs used by a large business or organisation. You might design new software applications and make sure they are compatible with existing systems. Infrastructure Architects may coordinate the introduction of new technical infrastructure or repair issues with current systems.

Infrastructure Architects should be organised and able to plan ahead. It’s important you can work as part of a team and communicate with clients and colleagues. Infrastructure Architects require strong technical skills and must keep their professional knowledge up to date. You may have to work on more than one project at a time so multitasking skills are crucial in this role.

Future demand High
Average yearly income $142,740
Skill level Unknown

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Further reading

How to get started in Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

26th September 2019)

Choosing a security licence course in Australia: A step-by-step guide for jobseekers

10th November 2023)

What can you do with a Certificate IV in Information Technology?

17th February 2021)