

A Cardiologist is employed as a medical doctor treating patients with heart issues. You may work in a hospital or other large healthcare facility or operate as a specialist with your own practice. Cardiologists assess and diagnose patients and recommend treatments. You might monitor patient progress and provide follow-up care.

Cardiologists should have excellent attention to detail and strong analytical skills. It’s important you have good interpersonal skills and can communicate with patients from a range of backgrounds. Cardiologists must be able to follow correct procedures and remain calm during challenging situations.

Future demand High
Average yearly income $327,600
Skill level Unknown

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Further reading

What is the Difference Between a Psychologist and Psychiatrist?

25th October 2022)

How to start a career as a Medical Receptionist

7th December 2021)

What can you do with a Diploma of Clinical Coding?

27th January 2022)