Vocational Education and Training
All Rose Training Australia Courses
In a topsy turvy time in the world’s existence, many are looking for income from jobs that are less emotionally draining, and more emotionally fulfilling. That is why many are turning to one of the most satisfying and rewarding occupations on the planet. You could be a marriage celebrant. Your workday could consist of helping couples have the best day, on one of the biggest days of their lives!
Over the last few years there has been an explosion in opportunities for civil marriage celebrants. It is only getting bigger and you could be getting a bigger “slice of the wedding cake” by getting in now.
At the time of writing this, civil ceremonies make up over 75% of marriage ceremonies. And it doesn’t stop at weddings. People call upon celebrants for many life events including funerals, vow renewals, baby blessings and even graduation ceremonies.
With thousands of happy students having already completed the CHC41015 – Certificate IV in Celebrancy through Rose Training Australia, we continue to develop our course to ensure that our graduates are the most informed, well trained, skilled and consequently confident celebrants in the field.
Learn moreAs a premium provider of Celebrant training, we are well suited to the delivery of JP training in Queensland. Our testimonials are outstanding, and we do everything we can to ensure that you successfully reach your training goal. Rose Training brings you into our family where you will feel important and cared for.
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