About Public Sector Training Solutions

PSTS is a specialised nationally registered training organization, operating under Provider Number 52140, with a niche focus on public sector compliance and investigations. Our training programs are designed to cater to the unique learning needs of regulators, featuring hands-on scenarios to enhance their knowledge and skills.

At PSTS, we pride ourselves in crafting tailored training material that is customized to the specific requirements of each agency and their respective legislation. Our bespoke training approach is a testament to our commitment to delivering high-quality training that is both comprehensive and relevant to our clients’ needs.

Our experienced trainers have worked as investigators, inspectors, police officers, lawyers, or compliance officers, bringing a wealth of real-world knowledge to our training programs. At PSTS, we are committed to delivering high-quality training that empowers public sector employees to perform their roles with confidence and competence.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 52140
Legal name Public Sector Training Solutions Pty Ltd

All Public Sector Training Solutions Courses