About Outer Eastern Training Institute

Outer Eastern Training Institute is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO number 40948) registered with the Australian Skills and Qualifications Authority. Outer Eastern Training Institute is proud to offer the Certificate III and Certificate IV in Outdoor Leadership.

The Certificate III qualification provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in guiding outdoor recreation activities in a controlled environment.

The Certificate IV qualification provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to independently lead groups in uncontrolled environments. They require technical knowledge of the outdoor recreation activity to be transferred to allow individuals to safely participate in the outdoor activity.

Our courses run as a Traineeship, so you can get paid while learning. Both courses start early January and run for 12 months. If you are an Outdoor Education Provider, or an individual and are looking at enrolling in an Outdoor Leadership Course, please, get in contact and find out how OETI is the right place for you.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 40948
Legal name A & J Hall Pty Ltd

All Outer Eastern Training Institute Courses