All Desert to Coast Training and Assessing Courses
This is course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide a first aid response to a casualty in line with first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) and other Australian national peak clinical bodies.
The unit applies to all persons who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations, including community and workplace settings.
Learn moreWhite Cards (or Construction Induction cards) are used in the construction, plumbing, and other industries. It is a mandatory requirement to work in the construction industry. This is course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely start work in the construction industry.
Licensing, legislative and certification requirements that apply to this unit can vary between states, territories and industry sectors. Users must check requirements with relevant body before applying the unit.
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This course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely operate a hand-held chainsaw and maintain it in working condition.
This course applies to:
- Cross-cutting fallen timber using safe cutting techniques
- Individuals who apply low risk work procedures and comply with worksite health and safety requirements when operating hand-held chainsaws to carry out routine work
Confined space permits are used in the mining, construction and other industries where personnel are required to conduct work in areas which meets the confined space criteria listed below. This is course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely working in a confined space.
It applies to those working in operational roles. They generally work under supervision to undertake a prescribed range of functions involving known routines and procedures and take responsibility for the quality of work outcomes.
Licensing, legislative and certification requirements that apply to this unit can vary between states, territories and industry sectors. Users must check requirements with relevant body before applying the unit
Learn moreThis unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to operate a forklift truck safely in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements. Competence in this unit, does not in itself result in a HRWL licence to operate this plant.
Forklift truck means a powered industrial truck equipped with lifting media made up of a mast and an elevating load carriage to which is attached a pair of fork arms or other attachments that can be raised 900 mm or more above the ground, but does not include a pedestrian-operated truck or a pallet truck.
Learn moreThis is course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to test the working atmosphere, using electronic test apparatus, to find out if it is safe for the proposed work.
It applies to situations where individuals may be required to carry out gas testing of an atmosphere prior to entering a specific area or workspace. The competency requires the person to interpret readings and take actions based on the interpretation.
Working environment may be hazardous, unpredictable, subject to time pressure, chaotic and expose responders to risk, on land or water, by day or night. Workplace atmospheres may include visible and invisible hazards and hazardous surfaces.
Learn moreEWP work is conducted in mining, construction and other industries where jobs are hard to reach and require machinery to reach it. This course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely operate a boom-type Elevating Work Platform (EWP) where the length of the boom is 11 metres or more in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements.
Competence in this unit, does not in itself result in a Risk Work Licence (HRWL) to operate this plant.
Learn moreThis is course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely operate a non-slewing mobile crane with a Maximum Rated Capacity (MRC) exceeding 3 tonnes.
Non-slewing mobile cranes are mobile cranes incorporating a boom or jib that cannot be slewed. This includes an articulated mobile crane and a locomotive crane, but does not include vehicle tow trucks.
Learn moreThis is course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely operate a slewing mobile crane with a maximum rated capacity (MRC) up to 20 tonnes.
Slewing mobile cranes are mobiles crane incorporating a boom or jib that can be slewed, but does not include a front-end loader, a backhoe, an excavator or other earth moving equipment, when configured for crane operation.
Learn moreThis is course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely operate a vehicle loading crane with a Maximum Rated Capacity (MRC) of 10 metre tonnes or more.
Vehicle loading cranes are crane mounted on vehicles for loading and unloading the vehicle.
Learn moreThis Dogging course is for students looking to acquire the necessary licence to work in the mines or construction industry.
This unit specifies the outcomes required to perform slinging techniques, including the selection and inspection of lifting gear and/or the directing of the crane operator in the movement of the load when the load is out of view of the crane/operator for licensing purposes.
Learn moreThis is course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment. It includes demonstrating and explaining to clients how to correctly and safely use portable fire extinguishers, fire hose reels and fire blankets in emergency situations.
The unit is suitable for those with basic skills and knowledge undertaking routine work tasks under the direction of more experienced workers.
Learn moreWorking at heights is conducted in the mining, construction and other industries where personnel is required to conduct work at a height of two meters or more where no safety rail or barricade is installed. This is course provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to safely work at heights.
It applies to those working in operational roles. They generally work under supervision to undertake a prescribed range of functions involving known routines and procedures and take responsibility for the quality of work outcomes.
Licensing, legislative and certification requirements that apply to this unit can vary between states, territories and industry sectors. Users must check requirements with relevant body before applying the unit.
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