About Australian Global Institute

The Australian Global Institute is a government registered training organisation since 2007 and delivers programs with unique in-demand specialisations to Australian students for fee for service and government funded options. The Institute is CRICOS registered with delivery to International students commencing early 2024 allowing students from around the world to experience the benefits of our unique programs!

Our vision is simple and achievable: to be Australia’s number one Vocational Education and Training provider in our specialisation.

Our mission is to offer you the best training and education programs possible. Our objective is to develop a ‘stand out’ organisation of quality and integrity that offers our students nationally and internationally recognised qualifications in a flexible learning environment. We strive to maintain a high level of excellence which is designed against the Australian Quality Training Framework.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 31690
Legal name Australian Global Institute Pty Ltd

All Australian Global Institute Courses