About Australian College of Information Technology and Institute of Film and Television

The Australian College of Information Technology and Institute of Film and Television is one of the most highly regarded training institutions in Australia. With a 30 year track record, amazing instructors and state of the art Cloud based delivery systems.

ACIT&IFTV has been delivering life changing education since 1993. With a wealth of industry contributors, world-wide academic and big tech partnerships, you can be confident of relevant and up-to-date curriculum.

We provide study options for information technology; telecoms, including data centre design, Microsoft Server & Endpoint Administration; unified communications and IP telephony; and Network Security; right through to digital media, and digital business. The Australian College of Information Technology and Institute of Film and Television provides in-depth training in digital communication mediums, including cross platform training to cover web design, graphic, social media marketing, and digital video.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 31357
Legal name Precept Education Pty Ltd

All Australian College of Information Technology and Institute of Film and Television Courses