What does an Occupational Therapist do?

Written by Melinda Irvine

15th September 2022

If you have the passion and inner calling to help people live better lives - either at work or at home - have you considered becoming an occupational therapist? Occupational therapy is a rewarding career because you are empowering and supporting people who have mental dysfunctions and/or physical impairments.

As a registered occupational therapist you could be:

  • Helping a child with learning difficulties gain greater confidence, academic performance, and social connections at school.
  • Supporting a stroke patient who is recovering in hospital to re-gain motor functions and re-learn how to perform basic tasks.
  • Assessing the home of an elderly couple with mobility issues, then facilitating the installation of grab rails to make their living space more functional.
  • Liaising with Allied Health professionals like physiotherapists, dietitians, psychologists, and social workers to ensure clients are able to live their best possible lives.

As an occupational therapist your day will always be busy and varied, and you’ll have lots of problems to solve. While on the way to assess the home of a recent amputee, you might take a phone call from a recruitment agency who has found a job for your client with autism. It’s simply a wonderful occupation as you’ll never be bored and you’ll always be helping.

FAQs for Occupational Therapists in Australia

If occupational therapy sounds like the career for you, this section will answer a few of your questions about the job prospects and how to get started.

What are the prospects for occupational therapists in Australia?

According to the latest labour market insights, there are almost 26,000 occupational therapists working in Australia right now, with steady growth anticipated over the next 4-5 years. Even better, OTs enjoy an incredibly low unemployment rate, so the job prospects are great.

How much does an occupational therapist earn?

In Australia, occupational therapists generally work around 41 hours per week and earn between $72,000 - $93,600 per annum.

How do I become an occupational therapist?

To work as an occupational therapist in Australia you’ll need all of the following:

  • Complete a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (including 1,000 hours of supervised clinical practice) or Master of Occupational Therapy Practice.
  • Register with the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia.
  • Complete at least 30 hours of professional development every year.

If you’re a mature age student or don’t feel ready for university just yet, completing a Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (Occupational therapy) and getting some professional experience as an occupational therapy assistant is an excellent pathway into the degree program. It will also improve your job prospects when you graduate.

What personal attributes will I need to become an occupational therapist?

  • Helping and caring nature — the job requires you to work closely with your clients, providing not just medical attention, but personal assistance and emotional support as well.
  • Great communicator — in order to diagnose and treat your clients for physical and mental dysfunctions, you’ll need to be able to listen to your clients with great understanding and build lasting relationships.
  • Problem solver — every client is different and you’ll need to have the problem solving skills and confidence in your decision making to find and implement great solutions for your clients.

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