What can you do with a Graduate Diploma of Cosmetic Nursing and Injectables?
Written by Jodie Magrath
10th January 2022
A Graduate Diploma of Cosmetic Nursing and Injectables is an ideal qualification if you’re planning to start a career as a cosmetic nurse. This course is designed for qualified nurses who’d like to specialise in cosmetic medicine. You’ll gain the knowledge and practical skills you’ll need to perform a range of treatments at a cosmetic medical practice. The Graduate Diploma of Cosmetic Nursing and Injectables can also help you gain a Cosmetic use of Lasers Licence in Queensland and Western Australia.
The Graduate Diploma of Cosmetic Nursing and Injectables covers a range of topics to prepare you for work in a cosmetic medical facility. The course is a mix of theory and hands-on experience so you’ll be qualified to perform treatments such as dermal therapies, injectable procedures and cosmetic nursing duties. As well as practical work, you’ll also explore the critical aspects of cosmetic surgical procedures, injectables and light-based treatments.
Working in cosmetic nursing requires strong interpersonal skills. You’ll need to be a good communicator and be able to liaise with clients from a range of backgrounds. It’s important you can listen to client concerns and understand individual circumstances. This industry requires good observational skills and excellent attention to detail. You’ll need to be able to follow correct procedures and work as part of a team.
A Graduate Diploma of Cosmetic Nursing and Injectables is an ideal course of study for the following careers:
Cosmetic Nurse
A Cosmetic Nurse carries out a range of non-surgical cosmetic treatments on clients. You might use light or laser therapy or use other procedures such as injectables or chemical peels. Cosmetic Nurses may specialise in a particular type of treatment or you might conduct various procedures, depending on your clients’ needs. You might speak with clients to understand their concerns and conduct an assessment of their condition. Cosmetic Nurses may provide advice or make recommendations on products or services. You may also advise clients on post-procedure and follow up care.
Higher education pathways
A Graduate Diploma of Cosmetic Nursing and Injectables is an ideal way for qualified nurses to move into cosmetic medicine. You could also specialise your skills with a Graduate Diploma of Dermal Science. If you decide to further your studies you could consider an Advanced Diploma of Cosmetic Dermal Science, an Advanced Diploma of Intense Pulsed Light and Laser for Hair Reduction or an Advanced Diploma of Cosmetic Laser and Light Therapies.
If you want to advance your studies you could enrol in a university degree such as a Bachelor of Dermal Sciences or a Bachelor of Applied Health Science (Clinical Aesthetics). A university course can extend your knowledge and allow you take on a position with greater responsibility. You may be able to use a Graduate Diploma of Cosmetic Nursing and Injectables as a pathway to these courses.
Getting started
If you’re planning to enrol in a Graduate Diploma of Cosmetic Nursing and Injectables, make sure you choose the right course provider. Providers often vary in the way they deliver their courses, so it’s important you find the qualification that will suit your needs. Gather information about the duration of the course, costs, any prerequisites and the content the course will cover. Once you have all the information you can compare details and make a decision that works best for you.