What can you do with a Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping?

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18th August 2020

The Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping prepares you for work within the accounting and finance industries, in roles that include bookkeeping and the general management of payrolls. You will learn how to record and process financial transactions that directly effect the management of businesses. This course provides you with the necessary skills to prepare and present financial reports, and contribute to the creation of operational budgets that are vital for a successful company.

In addition to this, the Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping will introduce you to the kinds of accounting and business software and other technologies that are used within this industry. This foundational knowledge is essential for employment in this field, as most businesses make use of these.

This study pathway is a great choice for people who are methodical, logical and organised, and who have strong mathematical and analytical skills. Attention to detail is highly desirable, as this will be reflected in the records you keep. This Certificate also leads directly into higher study pathways, so is perfect for those who wish to gain further qualifications in the future.

Studying a Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping is an excellent choice for those who are interested in the following careers:

Accounts clerk
Accounts clerks are responsible for a variety of administrative tasks within a company, such as data entry, filing and archiving. They often assist with the reconciliation of accounts, as well as collecting data and reporting on the business’s profits and losses. This usually involves using accounting and business software such as Excel, Xero, and MYOB. Some accounts clerks are also involved in customer service work, which can include such tasks as processing customer orders and accounts.

Payroll officer
The role of a payroll officer is to manage the salaries and wages of a business. They ensure that employees within a company are being payed correctly and regularly (usually weekly or fortnightly) using online or computerised payroll systems and timesheets to collect, calculate and record data. Payroll officers work with both employees and employers to manage tax and superannuation, and organise leave and severance pays.

Assistant accountant
Assistant accountants often work as part of a team, and generally report to a senior colleague in a leadership role such as a Finance Manager or Financial Analyst. The role varies from job to job, but may include general administration tasks, the management of both payable and receivable accounts, and the running of various other financial operations, such as the lodgement of tax claims. In the process of doing these things, an assistant accountant may also help to add value and enhance the financial efficiency of their employer’s business.

Higher education pathways

The Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping is the perfect study choice for those who are hoping to complete a higher degree in the same field. It leads directly into the Diploma of Accounting, which is usually a six to twelve month course, and is intended to expand upon the skills you have learned within this Certificate, therefore increasing your employability. Upon completion of this Diploma, it is also possible to continue on to the Advanced Diploma of Accounting, which will give you the skills and qualifications necessary to become an tax accountant or accounting manager.

In addition to these study pathways, the Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping includes units that make up part of the requirements set out by the Tax Practitioners Board for registering as a Business Activity Statements (BAS) Agent. To obtain this qualification you must also complete a designated period of work experience. This will then allow you to be employed as a BAS Agent, representing clients to the tax office in a variety of matters, including GST and superannuation.

Getting started

If you’re interested in enrolling in the Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping, you should first request information from course providers that suit your study needs. When enquiring, it may be a good idea to ask about the duration, cost, prerequisites, and content of the course. In this way, you will be able to compare your options and choose the one that’s best for your current lifestyle and future career goals.

In most instances, this Certificate is completed over the course of six months (one semester, full time), and consists of eight core units and five electives. It is also sometimes available as a traineeship, consisting of twelve months of work experience. However, it’s important to check these details as there can be some variation between different course providers.

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