The Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) is the perfect study pathway for those with an interest in providing care and support for older people within our communities. This course will equip you with the skills necessary to help ageing people maintain or improve their overall quality of life and independence. You will learn about safe and ethical work practices, as well as the legal requirements and responsibilities of people working within the industry. In addition to this, you will be given the opportunity to engage in workplace education with hands-on learning that is essential for those working within practical professions.
Australia has an ageing population, and as a result this industry is projected to continue growing in the future. This course provides the information necessary to get you started on a number of different job pathways within this industry.
If any of the following careers align with your interests and abilities, you may like to consider studying a Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing).
Personal Carer
The role of a personal carer involves assisting elderly, disabled, and other vulnerable people with day-to-day activities such as cooking, cleaning, showering and shopping. Personal carers provide companionship and support their clients according to their individual needs and build personal relationships that boost self-confidence. They conduct house visits in order to facilitate independent-living whilst providing their clients with vital services such as driving them to appointments or helping to administer medication.
Community Care Worker
Community care workers are employed in nursing homes, rehabilitation units, adult care and group homes. They provide personal services to both adults and children who cannot live independently. Their role may include helping with showering, dressing, and eating, as well as liaising with family members and keeping them informed of progress and life events. Community care workers are equipped to help a broad range of vulnerable people live more satisfying and independent lives.
Aged Care Worker
Aged care workers are responsible for providing everyday services to elderly people. They can work in residential facilities, or visit their clients in their own homes. Aside from practical services, aged care workers often offer companionship and engagement to older people who may be socially isolated. They develop interpersonal relationships with their clients and their client’s families in order to ensure that their needs are met.
Higher education pathways
The Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) is an excellent foundation to begin building a career within the industry of aged and community care. It can also lead to a number of different higher education pathways. The Certificate IV in Ageing Support builds on the knowledge gained in the Certificate III, providing students with further understandings about the needs of elderly people, and a deeper appreciation of the issues that they face. Other Certificate IVs in related areas (such as Community Services or Disability) may also be possible pathways to follow after completing the Certificate III. These can lead into a variety of jobs that range from a community development manager to a diversional therapist.
There are also a number of university degrees which are related to aged care, and which would be excellent options for further study. These allow students to gain additional insights into the technical and theoretical aspects of this industry, and open up new career pathways. A Bachelor of Community Health or a Bachelor of Ageing and Dementia Studies, for example, will build on your previous knowledge of aged and community care. These are both three-year degrees which include detailed and scientific learning about human biology, health and growth, as well as project creation and management, and ethical concerns. It is important to note that most Bachelor degrees list Certificate IVs as prerequisites for non-ATAR admission.
Getting started
The first step to enrolling in the Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) is to request information from different course providers. In most cases, this Certificate can be completed within six months, consists of seven core units and six electives, and includes one mandatory work placement. However, it’s important to check these details as there can be some variation between different course providers.
When enquiring about courses, it may be a good idea to ask about the duration, cost, prerequisites, and content of the course. In this way, you will be able to compare your options and choose the one that’s best for your current lifestyle and future career goals.