What can you do with a Certificate III in Individual Support?

Written by Melinda Irvine

13th November 2019

The Certificate III in Individual Support (CHC33015) is a nationally recognised certificate that immediately qualifies you for work in aged care, home care, or disability support services. If you’re thinking about enrolling in this practical qualification read on — we’ll be detailing each of the three course specialisations as well as the current job prospects for graduates.

CAREER QUICK FACTS: Personal care is a very large industry and employs a lot of people — the unemployment rates for personal and aged carers is well below the Australian average.


About the course

The Certificate III in Individual Support is usually completed inside 6 months and will teach you how to determine the individual needs of clients — then deliver support services within the framework of the Australian health and community services sector.

You’ll learn how to recognised healthy body systems, and support the independence and wellbeing of your clients. Plus you’ll gain the communication skills you need to build harmonious relationships with their family and other careers.

CAREER QUICK FACTS: Students completing this qualification choose electives in any of 3 specialisations. Ageing (empowering the elderly and working with dementia patients), Disability (promoting personal empowerment and social inclusion), Home and Community (working with family members and other carers).


Career pathways

There are three clear employment pathways from the Certificate III in Individual Support, they are:

1. Personal Carer
Personal carers assist sick and vulnerable people in their own home, giving them confidence and companionship. They carry out basic home services like cleaning, grocery shopping, preparing meals and they are often required to administer medication. Personal careers take their clients to personal appointments and doctor’s visits, and usually work closely with family members.

2. Aged Carer
Aged carers help their elderly clients with meals, cleaning, showering, dressing, and mobility in their own homes or at an aged care facility. They usually develop strong relationships with the families of their clients, engaging with them about medication, and health issues. Aged carers usually transport clients to appointments and outings.

3. Disability Carer
Disability carers provide physical assistance, companionship, and personal care services to clients who have a physical or intellectual disability. Apart from assisting with daily needs, they also help their clients become more active in the community. Some disability carers work in the homes of their clients, while others work from hospitals, community service centres, or special care facilities.


Job prospects

Graduates from the Certificate III in Individual Support (in any of the three specialisations) enjoy excellent job prospects as there is a growing demand right across Australia for personal carers (especially if they provide home service).


Enrolment and funding

There are no pre-requisites for enrolment in this qualification but some training providers may require a first aid certificate, national police check, and working with children clearance (disability specialisation).

CAREER QUICK FACTS: This qualification is eligible for government subsidies and funding in some Australian states, so please check your eligibility with course providers.


Graduation requirements

To graduate from a Certificate III in Individual Support you will need to complete 120 hours of approved work placement. Always check with the course provider before enrolling if you need assistance finding a suitable work venue.

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