What can you do with a Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration)?

Written by Jodie Magrath

11th January 2022

A Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration) will give you the skills you need for a busy career in healthcare administration. You might choose to work on the front desk at a doctor or dentist’s office, in reception at a hospital or for a specialist health care provider. If you enjoy helping other people and working as part of an administration team, the Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration) could be a great choice for you.

The Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration) will develop your knowledge of healthcare administration practices and improve your skills with current medical administration methods. You’ll learn to understand and use medical terminology and manage patient records. This course also addresses patient confidentiality, processing medical accounts and controlling healthcare stocks and supplies.

A Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration) is an ideal course of study for the following careers:

Medical Receptionist

A Medical Receptionist works on the front desk of a medical facility such as a general practitioner’s office, hospital or specialist health care provider. You’ll answer telephone calls and respond to patient enquiries. You might also schedule patient appointments and process payments and health insurance claims. Medical Receptionists may also perform other administrative tasks such as filing patient records or processing paperwork.

Admissions Clerk

An Admissions Clerk assists with administrative work when a patient checks in and leaves a hospital or other major healthcare facility. You might greet patients as they arrive and ensure all necessary paperwork is completed. Admissions Clerks process payments and health care claims and make sure patient records are up to date. You might direct patients to various locations within a hospital and liaise with family members when required.

Ward Clerk

A Ward Clerk takes care of administrative tasks in a hospital ward. You might check patients in and collect relevant paperwork. Ward Clerks often answer phone calls and ensure patient records are maintained. You might answer enquiries from patients or family members and give visitors directions within the ward or to other hospital departments. Ward Clerks liaise with healthcare staff and other administrative personnel.

Higher education pathways

A Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration) is a great way to start a career in this rewarding industry. You might also choose to advance your skills with a Certificate IV in Health Administration or a Diploma of Practice Management. You could also specialise your skills with a Certificate IV in Medical Practice Assisting or a Diploma of Clinical Coding.

If you decide to further your studies, you could enrol in a university degree such as a Bachelor of Health Information Management or a Bachelor of Health Services Management. This will extend your knowledge of the health administration industry and allow you to take on a position with more responsibility. You may be able to use a Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration) as a pathway to these courses.

Getting started

If you’re interested in enrolling in a Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration), make sure you collect information from a range of course providers. There are usually some variations in the way providers deliver their courses and it’s important you find the best match for your needs. Find out about the duration of the course, costs, any prerequisites and the content the course will cover. Once you have all the information you can compare details and find the course that is best for you.

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