What can you do with a Certificate III in Business Administration?

Written by Melinda Irvine

30th July 2019

The Certificate III in Business Administration is a qualification that can be applied to just about every industry, occupation, or work sector. Of course you could use it to snag an administrative role at a funky office, tech startup, or professional practice — but the most important thing about this certification is the focus on keyboarding and document preparation. Because it doesn’t matter whether you’re a scientist, warehouse manager, or debtors clerk — in the Information Age everyone needs to know how to write a simple document, and type with proficiency.


Keyboarding and Document Skills

The focus of the Certificate III in Business Administration is to develop keyboarding speed and accuracy while learning how to prepare business correspondence, electronic presentations, and spreadsheets. Graduates of this course walk into a new (or existing) job role confident in their ability to type up a professional sounding email, letter, or report, and deliver a slick PowerPoint presentation to their managers or peers.


Administration and Office Roles

Being able to type fast (without a million typos) and produce a range of polished business documents are the skills you need to land you a great admin role. Here are a few examples:

Office Assistant ($50k per annum)
Office and Administrative Assistants are the division all-rounders who support a group of busy professionals. They manage filing systems, prepare letters and reports for the whole team, book travel, organise small events, and keep the office supplied with stationery and amenities. If the Sales Manager needs a new notebook, biro, or manila folder — chances are they’ll come looking for the Office Assistant.   Office Assistants are excellent time managers e.g. who’s letter will you type first — the Sales Manager or the Engineer? They also have great interpersonal skills e.g. can you stop everyone from using your desk as the filing graveyard without flying into a rage? And they know how to listen.

Receptionist ($50k per annum)
Receptionists are extroverted and love people — after all they greet everyone who walks into the building. They answer the phone, direct calls, login visitors, and they can explain the location of the office a whole lot better than Google Maps. Receptionists keep the entry area beautiful, and can politely (but firmly) redirect a lively discussion between two departmental managers into the meeting room (then close the door).   An excellent Receptionist can deal with an irate phone customer without losing their cool, and at the very same time invite a visiting sales rep to help themselves to coffee while they wait for their 10am meeting. When the phone isn’t ringing the Receptionist is typing business correspondence, or emailing phone messages and appointment confirmations. The Receptionist’s superpower is a smile.

Accounts Clerk ($55-60k per annum)
Another great career choice made possible by a Certificate III in Business Administration is in the accounts department. Accounts Clerks prepare bank deposits, process expense vouchers, reconcile bank transactions — all the while carrying out data entry, and typing. Having fast (and accurate) keyboarding skills is critical.   Accounts Clerks create and use sophisticated spreadsheets, accounting software, and database applications. They can quickly spot an error in the accounts and need to be honest, ethical, and focused. The superpower of an Accounts Clerk is attention to detail.


Ready for the next step?

Take a step forward in your career and check out the Certificate III in Business Administration (BSB30415). You can complete the course 100% online. Enquire now with our course providers for the next intake round, and check if you qualify for government funding.

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