The Power Of Delegation

Written by Melinda Irvine

1st June 2019

Just about any industry or field in which you are in charge of others requires you to be adept at delegating. If you're doing anything from an online small business management course to studying event management online, you're setting out on a path to lead others, whether it be just a few under you or dozens of direct reports. When in such a position, knowing how to delegate is key.


The dangers of not delegating

Let's say after you've finished studying online, you start your own small business. Since it's your baby, your gut instinct is going to be to do everything. While you want your vision to become reality, you won't be able to get where you want to go without a bit of help. Trying to put too much on your plate will lead to poor results and can run you down.

The same goes for working in a larger company or running a huge event. You want to do everything yourself to ensure it's perfect. But the larger the undertaking, the less and less it becomes possible for you to do it all. Things quickly start to fall through the cracks or get done incorrectly.

Many hands make light work, and by not employing the use of and trusting others, you run the risk of running into these problems.


The benefits of delegation

Just as not sharing tasks can lead to errors and burnout, delegation can bring increased productivity and freshness for your whole team.

Assigning tasks to others means less clogging of your own to-do list. That not only means these tasks get done, but they also don't add weight and pressure to your day-to-day life that already has enough of both.

Keeping your teammates involved can also have myriad benefits. It gives them skin in the game and ownership of tasks, allowing them to flex their muscles and show what they can do. By delegating tasks, you show you trust them and engender a two-way street of respect and loyalty.


The keys to successful delegation

Here are three things to remember when delegating tasks to your team:

  1. Be clear. Your colleagues and direct reports can't do what you ask if they don't know what you're asking. Give clear direction and briefs when delegating, including timelines. A bit of short term pain for you in terms of taking time to give clear direction will lead to long term gain.
  2. Don't micromanage. There might be some people who need more handholding, but in general you should trust your teammates to deliver the tasks you've given them. Check in from time to time on longer-term projects, but otherwise let them go. That's the whole point of delegating!
  3. Be there. When you give somebody a task, make it clear they're not out there in the wilderness. Make sure they know they can come to you for help. Finding the balance between letting go of the task and being available to assist when required is key.

Once you're doing taking courses online, it's time to get to work. Part of that work could very well mean working with others. When doing so, don't be afraid to get your delegating hat on for the benefit of everybody.

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