JobTrainer: What does it mean for me?

Written by Melinda Irvine

19th October 2020

Starting a new career can be daunting. Getting trained for a new role in a different industry can be expensive and the idea of starting again in a new job role can be stressful. But many Australians have recently found themselves in this position. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on our economy and many people have found themselves out of work. The Federal Government’s JobTrainer package aims to address this and help people retrain to take their career in a whole new direction.

Perhaps the business you were working for has closed completely or has had to reduce their workforce numbers. Our economy has changed significantly since COVID-19 and the job role you were in may no longer exist in the future. Thousands of people are having to reconsider what they do for work and whether they need to undertake training to gain new skills or upskill from the position they previously held. If you’re in this situation, the recently announced JobTrainer program may help you to get started on the pathway to a new career.

What is the JobTrainer program?

The JobTrainer initiative is a Federal Government program aimed at getting people back into work as the Australian economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will fund training places for industries where skilled workers are now in demand. Courses for these job growth areas will be either free or at low-cost. This means businesses will have access to skilled staff when they need them and people who have lost work will improve their job prospects and employability.

The JobTrainer initiative will fund up to 340,700 additional training places for in-demand job roles. A $1 billion JobTrainer fund has been established made up of $500 million from the Federal Government and matched funding contributions from participating states and territories. The package also involves wage incentives for apprentices and trainees to keep them in work. JobTrainer is being rolled out gradually across our states and territories but is not operating in all areas yet.

Who is eligible for the JobTrainer program?

The JobTrainer program is not open to everyone but it targets key employment groups including school leavers and people looking for a job. To meet the JobTrainer eligibility requirements you need to be either aged 17 to 24, be receiving an income support payment or be currently out of work. Further eligibility requirements may apply depending on your state or territory, but you can find further details on the Federal Government’s My Skills website.

What courses are eligible for JobTrainer?

Many industries have been hit particularly hard by the impact of COVID-19. The pandemic has changed our economy and changed what work skills are in demand by employers now and in the near future. JobTrainer will fund courses producing skilled workers in areas where there are likely to be job opportunities as the economy recovers. This will vary across the country though, so the courses eligible for JobTrainer funding will depend on the state or territory you live in. The National Skills Commission will identify areas of need and work with state and territory governments to determine which courses should be funded.

Although employment skill needs will differ across the country, it’s likely that focus areas will include community service courses such as aged care, disability support and health care. Trade courses may also be included along with information technology qualifications. Many other industries will also be included though and the list of funded courses will be provided as JobTrainer is launched in each state or territory. The funded courses will be a range of short and long courses such as diplomas and certificate qualifications. These courses will be delivered by TAFEs and other public and private registered training organisations.

When can I apply for JobTrainer?

JobTrainer is being rolled out gradually across Australia so it is being launched in different states and territories at different times. The program has already been launched in some areas. To find out when you can apply for the program where you live or to find more information on the JobTrainer program check the Federal Government’s My Skills website.

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