What is JobTrainer funding?
JobTrainer ACT is an investment of more than $16.75 million in vocational education and training (VET) by the Australian and ACT state governments. This joint undertaking during 2021-22 will allow more than 2,500 residents of the Australian Capital Territory to undertake free training.
New workers and school leavers aged 17-24 years will be able to access a wide range of free courses under JobTrainer ACT, but any Canberran aged over 17 can complete courses in four key industries; aged care, early childhood education and care, disability care and digital skills.
What courses are being funded in the ACT?
JobTrainer 2022 is releasing funding for courses in two stages:
Stage 1: Skills Sets, Certificate III, Certificate IV, and Diploma level qualifications in aged care, early childhood education and care, disability care and digital skills courses.
Stage 2: is pending release in early 2022 and will include courses in a broad range of industries.
How much will the courses cost?
2,500 training places under JobTrainer ACT will be completely free.
Who is eligible for JobTrainer?
To qualify for a free course under ACT JobTrainer you must be a resident of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and either of the following:
(a) eligible for the full range of ACT JobTrainer courses - aged 17-24 years of age or currently unemployed (this includes people who are new to the workforce or need to re-skill because they lost their job) or receiving an income support payment (eg, JobSeeker, Austudy, Youth Allowance).
(b) eligible for ACT JobTrainer courses in aged care, early childhood education and care, disability care and digital skills courses - anyone over 17 years old, regardless of employment status.
Eligibility criteria
Popular JobTrainer courses
Enquire with a course provider to confirm availability of JobTrainer funded places and eligibility requirements.
Certificate III in Business
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate III in Health Administration
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate III in Hospitality
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate IV in Business
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate IV in Dental Assisting (Oral Health Promotion Specialisation)
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate IV in Dental Assisting (Radiography Specialisation)
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate IV in Education Support
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate IV in Project Management Practice
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Diploma of Business
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Diploma of Project Management
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate III in Community Services
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate IV In Ageing Support
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate IV in Mental Health
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Diploma of Training Design and Development
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
- There are no mandated entry requirements.
Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
- There are no mandated entry requirements.