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Pharmacy Manager Courses

Pharmacy Managers are registered Pharmacists who manage the day-to-day operations of a pharmacy business while overseeing the quality and compliance of drug preparations and dispensing. They hire, train, and supervise pharmacy technicians and interns as well as retail and administrative staff.

As a Pharmacy Manager you could be receiving a prescription and checking the patient’s medicine history, supervising the preparation and labelling of liquid medicines, ensuring that the pharmacy’s prescription processing procedures comply with legislation relating to the issue of narcotics and habit-forming drugs, meeting with pharmacy retail staff to discuss monthly sales and promotional activities, hiring a new administrative assistant, or reviewing the monthly accounts and sales figures.

To succeed in this occupation you will need a thorough working knowledge of clinical pharmacy practice, well-developed leadership skills, and the ability to communicate with patients and retail customers.

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Popular Pharmacy Manager Courses

There are 3 courses available for people who want to become a Pharmacy Manager.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Pharmacy Managers earn?

The average salary for Australian registered Pharmacists is currently $1,980 per week ($102,960 annually). Pharmacy Managers can expect to earn more than this. Increase your earning capacity by undertaking post-graduate qualifications in business administration, leadership, and marketing.

What are the job opportunities for Pharmacy Managers?

There are 18,800 retail Pharmacists currently employed across Australia, some of these are Pharmacy Managers. They mainly work for (or own) retail pharmacy franchises.

How do I become a Pharmacy Manager?

Becoming a fully qualified Pharmacy Manager in Australia has the following essential steps:

  1. Complete a Bachelor of Pharmacy and Management (Honours).
  2. Complete a Master of Pharmacy Practice.
  3. Undertake an Intern Training Program (ITP) and supervised practice at a registered pharmacy that is accredited by the Australian Pharmacy Council.
  4. Pass the registration exam with the Pharmacy Board of Australia (PharmBA).

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2024

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within pharmacy. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.

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