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Environmental Scientist Courses

Environmental Scientists are passionate about the natural environment and aim to protect and conserve wildlife, plants and forests, fishes, natural resources, and cultural heritage sites. They carry out field tests, modelling, and environmental research then advise governments and private enterprises on the most sustainable ways to carry out their operations.

As an Environmental Scientist you could be carrying out environmental impact assessments for a construction company, analysing the impact of pollution on local soil and water quality, writing a report on the decline in native plant species in national parks, developing an operational procedure for local government to prevent unlawful land clearing, participating in an environmental focus group that addresses illegal discharge of wastewaters, or running community programs to educate the general public about the impacts of climate change.

To succeed in this occupation you will need a thorough knowledge of environmental science and the research methodologies in your specialist field, as well as the ability to present meaningful reports and recommendations to key decision-makers and stakeholders.

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Popular Environmental Scientist Courses

There are 21 courses available for people who want to become an Environmental Scientist. These are the top 5 most popular courses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Environmental Scientists earn?

The average salary for Australian Environmental Scientists is currently $2,099 per week ($109,148 annually). These are median figures that include the salaries for new graduates as well as experienced scientists.

What are the job opportunities for Environmental Scientists?

There are approximately 26,300 Environmental Scientists employed in Australia right now. They work for construction companies, energy and resources corporations, conservation organisations, academic institutions, government departments and agencies such as the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), the CSIRO, and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Some Environmental Scientists are self-employed consultants.

How do I become an Environmental Scientist?

To work as an Environmental Scientist in Australia you will need a Bachelor of Science (Earth and Environmental Systems) or Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management. You will also benefit from post-graduate studies in a specialist field such as climate and weather, agriculture, plant and soil management, fisheries, oceanography, ecology, geology, and more.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within sustainable operations. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.