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Analytical Chemist Courses

Analytical Chemists are scientific professionals who analyse the properties and behaviour of different chemical substances and compounds, especially in the areas of drug and vaccine development, biomedicines, food manufacturing, and industrial technologies. They mostly work in laboratories and can also apply their skills to drug screening, forensic analysis, toxicology, and environmental science.

As an Analytical Chemist you could be selecting Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before beginning a new experiment, preparing a water sample for testing, writing a report on the chemical compounds present in a screening sample, presenting a set of scientific results to a team of environmental scientists, reading a research report before attending an international conference, or just putting away an order for chemical products in the correct storage cabinets.

Analytical Chemists spend most of their working days in the laboratory and at a computer desk, analysing data and writing reports. To succeed in this occupation you will need focused attention, a commitment to accuracy and data integrity, and the ability to create meaningful reports and recommendations from your research and laboratory work.

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Popular Analytical Chemist Courses

There are 3 courses available for people who want to become an Analytical Chemist.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Analytical Chemists earn?

The starting salary for Australian Chemists is currently $1,581 per week ($82,212 annually). Experienced scientists, especially Analytical Chemists with post-graduate qualifications can expect much higher salaries. Increase your earning capacity by obtaining your PhD and joining a professional organisation such as The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI).

What are the job opportunities for Analytical Chemists?

There are approximately 3,700 qualified Chemists employed across Australia right now, this includes Analytical Chemists. They are employed by medical research centres, plastics and polymer manufacturers, food companies, agricultural companies, conservation and environmental organisations, government agencies, petrochemical and biofuels manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and more.

How do I become an Analytical Chemist?

You can become an Analytical Chemist in Australia with a Bachelor of Science (Chemistry), but you will have a larger range of employment opportunities by obtaining a Master of Science (Analytical Chemistry) or Master of Science (Applied Chemistry). Widen your reach by obtaining post-graduate qualifications in a specialist area such as Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Pollution Control and Ecotoxicology, Pharmaceuticals and Medicine, Forensics, Viticulture and Brewing, Food Manufacturing, Petrochemicals, and many more.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within chemistry. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.

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