Piggery Attendant
A Piggery Attendant works on the everyday tasks needed in the operation of a piggery. Attendants will have to get hands-on with the breeding and raising of pigs and will also have to help keep the animals in good health and peak condition. Your work might involve tending to the pastures and fodder to feed the pigs and maintaining the fences, pens and equipment around the piggery. You might also have to help with loading and transporting pigs.
Working in a piggery means you’ll need to be very comfortable with large animals. It can be a labour-intensive role so make sure you’re up to some heavy lifting and hard physical work. A Piggery Attendant spends a lot of time outdoors and will also need to operate various kinds of farm machinery. You’ll need to be able to work as part of a team and follow instructions from your supervisor.
Average yearly income