
Music Producer

A Music Producer oversees the production of songs, albums and musical recordings. You’ll be in charge of the creative direction of the recording and make decisions about singers, musicians and any sound effects being used. If you’re producing an album or a collection of music you might choose which songs to include. Music producers work with artists, sound technicians and other industry professionals to ensure the overall quality of a recording.

Music Producers need to be creative and have a strong knowledge of the musical process. You’ll need to understand current trends in the music industry and be able to communicate your directions to anyone involved in the recording process. It’s important that you can show leadership but also be part of a working team.

Future demand Medium
Average yearly income $82,160
Skill level Advanced

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Further reading

Most popular music and dance courses

17th May 2022)

Choosing a security licence course in Australia: A step-by-step guide for jobseekers

10th November 2023)

The Ultimate Guide to Podcasting (Updated 2020)

17th April 2020)